1. Introduction In the past fifty years the state of the world has shifted with extreme styles concerning religion, politics, morals, and war. In this letter I intend to combine some of my poetry (some of my poems can be accessed on the Back Porch) and my words to convince the reader of certain things. I hope to affect at least one person to help push world peace or change their ways. I urge you to send your comments to einstei330@aol.com with the subject: Your views. Now, without further hesitation, my ideas. 2. World Peace At the begining of this century the possibility for world peace seemed possible for the first time. Many authors during the late 1800's predicted the 1900's would start with the worst war of all time. The political stand point of Europe was currupting and a World War was almost certain. Many considered this the "War to End All Wars". For many years it was but in 1929 the Great depression struck. Hitler took the opertunity to controll Germany and did several disaterous things: 1) banned Judaism in the name of Christianity. 2) banned teaching scientific studies such as Evolution (despite Nazism was based on Darwinism) 3) gave gun controll to the general public. Germany, a naturally proud race, started the Second World War. After 40 years of hope, world peace seemed highly unlikely. ******Pschidelic Sixties******** "Everybodys talkin 'bout revolution, evolution, masturbate, calculate, anticipate, regulate, United Nations, Congatulations, All we are sayin' is give peace a chance" -John Lennon The next look at peace came with Rock and Roll, drugs, sex, and a dozen other off the wall of history events. But the question is: How could such a generation care about peace? The answer is simple: FEAR. The first generation to have it easy was afraid to be killed and realized that America wasn't worth fighting for in such a stupid event. Over all, they were right. Hence, my poem: Murders a seed, One we don't need. So do not go Where it might grow. The important lesson is this: Three steps can stop a war: 1) understanding of you fellow brother, 2) the ability to forgive and realize the foolishness of fighting, and 3) as Hitler overlooked, an urge to make world peace by not promoting your countrys fighting. 3. True Religion I practice Christianity, but my favorite religion is Sangha (Christian Buddhism). Christ was the way, the truth, and the LIFE. By looking at his life we can better understand ourselves and how to be a true Christain (which means Christ-like). I believe organized religion to be very dangerous. It is a way to controll your thoughts on every subject and to steal your ability to think for yourself. Study every religion and take the best of them all! Even the Way Had a bad day. Really the Truth Came to soothe; The only Life Never used a knife. You must develop your own relationship with God. Learn to walk with him; At least once a week, take a nice long walk (It could be morning or evening) and just talk to God. If you have a really good idea, He's talking back. **********Christian Coaloition************* This is the perfect example of Organized religion. Their belief the America is a divine place with the God given right to declare war will be the end of this country. Their ideas resemble the origins of Nazism. We must keep them out of the government and schools to keep peace. *********Separation of Church and State************ Prayer in school should be allowed: and it is! OK you so-called Christians, If you can pray any time, why do we have to teach it in school? You already can! Comments on The Coalolition or other government matters can be sent to me or ATA2D20@aol.com. 5. Evolution If a day in Gods eye is 1000 years, then we evolved over 7 days, which means a long time! I personally believe in evolution, and don't mind if you don't. It should not be taught as part of an organized religion! It should be taught in schoos until a better theory comes along. Do not tell me I am an atheist damned to hell for my belief. If I am wrong, Don't give me your song. God will tell me, And give me the key. 6. conclusion I may be wrong, but I hope not. I have an opinion on everything, and if you have a question or concern, please send it to Einstei330@aol.com. I hope only for peace. I intend to post another message in a month, perhaps on the possibility of Armageddon and The End Of The World. I f you have an opinion on these, I'd love to hear it. Just send it to me. I will try to reply to all my mail. Please pray on my ideas before accepting or declining. Do not hate and forgive all. Question everything your church, government, or teachers say. Remember the Motto: Just Say Know!